Wednesday, 6 August 2014


Maharaja Maharaj Sai of Sambalpur died in 1827 . Surendra Sai of the Zamindar (headman of a cluster of few villages ) family belongs to the branch of the Sambalpur Royal/ruling family claimed the throne . As he was denied he revolted . He along with his uncle and brother were got arrested in 1840 and were sent to Hazaribagh jail . Uncle died there . During the sepoy mutiny the mutineers broke the gate of the jail on 1857 july 31st and Surendra , his brother Udanta became free . 17 years of imprisonment could not changed him . As soon as he reached Sambalpur he was joined by several Zamindars and Gountias (headman of village) along with their men . On October 7th of 1857 1400 men under the leadership of Surendra Sai marched into Sambalpur and captured the old palace . Deputy Commissioner R.T.Liegh could not do any thing with few soldiers . He wrote to Cuttack , Raipur and Nagpur for help . As soldiers from many sides rushed Surendra fled away on 31st night of October. Surendra built several hill forts with stone and mud at the top of the hills . He started  attack and go away tactic . When the Company soldiers tried to attack the hill forts the mutineers first rolled big round stones from the top . After few moments of cross firing they were making escape through the cave ways they built and then they were reaching at an another fort through deep forest route . Thus the mutineers established control over the 3 roads connecting Sambalpur with Ranchi , Raipur and Cuttack . More and more soldiers brought in with commanders like Ensighn Napin , E.G.Wood, Shakespear ,Henry Mack Nippon, Dayar , Windham Nokker ,Velance  and several others . Many mutineers including Chabila Sai , a brother of Surendra Died in the war . Many including Ujjwal Sai , another brother of Surendra was caught and were hanged . But it could not de-moralised the mutineers . Captain Arthur Perry Woodbridge and others died in the war . Dr. Thomas Moore was killed while he was coming to Sambalpur . Forster of famous Sekhawati Brigade was called . He tried his best with terror but Surendra could not be caught . Hastings Broughton Impey , the grandson of Sie Elijah Impey joined as Deputy Commissioner of Sambalpur in 1861. He reviewed the whole situation and by apprising the high authority got sanction for peace accord . In a phase manner he pardoned , discussed and could brought peace . When things became alright unfortunately Impey and his wife fell ill and died . The next Deputy Commissioner A.B Cumberledge  was a  different man . He had lost his sister in Jhansi  massacare . He wanted punishment not award for the mutineers . He arranged fake letters, fake witness and with  fake arguments he got arrested all the principal mutineers in a single night drive . The court awarded life imprisonment . But the High Court took note of falsehood and released all .But Surendra and other 6 were detained under section 3 of 1818 detention act and were sent to Asirgarh fort jail . Surendra died there on 28th February of 1884 . He remained in jail for a total period of 37 years , died in jail with blind condition . The saga of Sambalpur Mutiny is a story of supreme heroism and sacrifice . So many have given their life for the mother land . Few families along with Father , Son , Grandson have ruined their life by giving away their luxurious life . They roamed around the forest , stayed in the hills . They did this because they had taken Surendra as the symbol of their hope for driving out the outsiders from their homeland .

 GOVERNMENT CEMETERY AT SAMBALPUR HAVE MANY BELONGS TO EUROPEANS ..such as of ;Cadenhead ,Woodbridge , Roughsedge ,Nethersole ,Impey ,Bates etc.

EDWARD ROUGHSEDGE - son of Rev. R.H.Roughsedge was the Major of the 26th regiment N.I. , Political Agent to thr Governor General , South West Frontier deputed at Sumbhulpoor . Sumbhulpoor was taken over by the East India Company . Roughsedge was given charge to look after the affair and to give directions to the king of Sumbhulpoor and other 17 states which were under it . He was ill for 3 months , despite that he went to Sonepur state and died there at the bank of river Mahanadi on 13th January 1822 was cremated at Sumbhulpoor . Of the 4 cemetery given here no. 2 is of Roughsedge .

JOHN CADENHEAD - Assistant Surgeon Madras Army , Principal Assistant Agent, South Western Frontier  Born 9th May1811 died on 17 Nov. 1851 was the first ever Principal Assistant at Sumbhulpoor . Sumbhulpoor was annexed to the British empire in 1849 by virtue of doctrine of lapse . SBP was 2nd to be annexed through this law with Jaitpur after Satara . His cemetery is at no.1 here. 

ARTHUR PERRY WOODBRIDGE -son of E.C.Woodbridge of Briton  Captain A.P.Woodbridge was with the 40th Madras Infantry .Sumbhulpoor witnessed a great revolution and a longer fight against the East India Company in the leadership of Surendra Sai ,a member of the royal family . While in war at Pahadsirgida Woodbridge was killed on 12th February 1858 . His body was rescued on 14th and was cremated at Sumbhulpoor. Here his cemetery is shown at no 4

MAJOR JOHN BATES -Major in 40th Madras Regiment was the Commander at Sumbhulpoor was died on 15th February 1858 due to illness after 3 days of death of Woodbridge . 

WILLIAM NETHERSOLE  B.A , LLM ,Bar at Law of the Bengal Civil Service, eldest son of John and Mary Hennah Nethersole was the Sattlement officer at Sumbhulpoor .On 1888 october 9th he was fell from horse at Haldipali near Sohela and died on 11th . His cemetery is at no. 3

There are so many cemetery --- such as George Charles Bouton , Surgen left wing ,Ernest Stucley , James Augustus Fox Asst Surgeon , Hastings Brouhton Impey and his wife Georgina Alfred Alexander Graham , John Christopher Robinson ,Charles Lucas Babington ,Jack Buttler, William Berry , John Martin Casey ,Eli Elderson ....and many many more