Tuesday, 1 September 2015

                                   at the GOVERNMENT CEMETERY 

Lieutenant Adam Davidson – of the 11th regiment Bengal Native Infantry, Youngest son of Late Robert Davidson died on 11th February 1824
Alice Eva- 10 months old infant child of Doctor J.A.Fox died on 18 November 1866
Alfred Hulbert Tietkins –coal miner died on 16th September 1911
 Ammal Kiraonia – chinatambl, 2nd regiment died on 25th September 1876
Annama – mother of Marian Buttler died on 4thNovember 1879 at the age of 83
Annama Poudri Ran – drowned in Bargarh tank on 7th February 1879, cremated at Sambalpur
Arthur Perry Woodbridge - son of E.C.Woodbridge of Briton Captain A.P.Woodbridge was with the 40th Madras Infantry stationed at Sambalpur during the revolution under the leadership of Surendra Sai. While in war at Pahadsirgida, Woodbridge was killed on 12th February 1858 . His body was rescued on 14th and was cremated here.
Arthur Gabourel Collington - Surgeon died on 18-1-1885
Agens Josephine Casey – 5 months old infant child of J.M.Casey, buried in August1902.
Alfred Hulbert Tietkins –coal miner died on 16th September 1911

Charlotte Harrison –wife of late conductor John Harrison of Bengal Ordinance Commission rate died on 6th march 1871.Her husband and son died in Kabul disaster of 1841
Clororesmal – wife of a Jawan in the 5th company sepoy of the 27th Regiment died on 9th Feb 1891
Charles Lukas Babington – Post Master of Sambalpur and Executive officer on the Raipur road died on 25th May 1843 at the age of 48
Cecil Thomas – Civil Surgeon of Sambalpur died on 20-12-1868

Daniel Moses – of Regiment, Puduchherry died on 3rd March 1892

Edward Roughsedge - son of Rev. R.H.Roughsedge was the Major of the 26th regiment N.I. , Political Agent to the Governor General , South West Frontier deputed at Sambalpur after it was taken over by the East India Company . Roughsedge was given charge to look after the affair and to give directions to the king of Sambalpur and other 17 states which were under it . He fell  ill for 3 months  and died  near Mahanadi at Sonepur on 13th January 1822 was cremated at Sambalpur
Eli Alderson – British Army, Retired, died on 8th November 1934
Elizabeth Mary Casey – wife of J.M.Casey died on 6th June 1955 at the age 88
Elizabeth Cole – wife of W.A.Cole died on 22-3-1873
Elen Phelips – wife of Lieutenant A.D.Phelips of 43rd regiment M.N.I died on 19th March 1864
Edith Helen – 3 month and 11 days old infant child of William Alfred Nedham, Asst Commissioner died on12-11-1880
Ernest Stucley Buck – 3 years 9 month old infant son of Lieutenant colonel Lewis William Buck and Harriett Jane Archer, born 28th April 1866 at Secunderabad died on 11-1-1870

Francis Maria Babington – child of Lucas and Juliet and grand daughter of Charles Lukas died at the age 1 year 14 days only died on 2nd March 1863
Francis- pensioner, ex- sipoy died in 1877
Captain Fred Anfree- of 4th N.I died at Sambalpur on 12th January 1819

Captain G.Abbott of 15th B.N.I died at Sambalpur on 1.4.1838
George Charles Bouton –Surgeon, Left wing, second regiment died on 22-6-1878
Gertreidi Marry- 3 months old infant child of Florence B. Gourrie Manera died on 12TH December 1882

Hastings Broughton  Impey  Grandson of Sir Elijah Impey ,the first Chief Justice of Calcutta Supreme Court and son of Justice Edward Impey  .Major in the infantry  H.B.Impey entered into civil services and became the Deputy Commissioner of Sambalpur in  April 1861 . He adopted the policy of understanding with the Mutineers of Sambalpur and brought peace .But he along with his wife fell ill .Wife Georgina Cordelia died on 11th December 1863 and H.B.Impey followed her on 14th December 1863
Henry D’ Lima – Retired from Police service died on 31 July 1936 at the age of 67
Major Henry Delves Broughton Smith – was born on 3rd May 1831 at Surrey, England. He was the son of Henry Smith and Emma Delves Broughton , got married to Maria Zulienne Ricks D/O John Ricks and Dorothea Lawson Yarde on 12th August 1856 at Secunderabad died on 12th June 1872 at Sambalpur at the age 41.
Henry William – Drummer of 2nd regiment died on 4th January 1888
Infant daughter of Arthur and Eva Hankin born on 7th and died on 23rd September 1885

Dr. John Cadenhead - born on 9th May 1811 was an Assistant Surgeon in the Madras Army successfully led the Army during Khond insurgency at Ghoomsur. For this he was appointed as the Principal Assistant Agent in the South West Frontier Agency. When Sambalpur was annexed in the British Empire in 1849, Cadenhead was made the first ever Principal Assistant .He gained in an extraordinary degree of confidence of the people because of opening of the first Anglo-vernacular school at Sambalpur. .He died on the 17th November 1851 at the age of 40
Major John Bates -Major in 40th Madras Regiment was the Commander at Sambalpur was died on 15th February 1858 due to illness after 3 days of death of Woodbridge. 
J.Francis –Mate, who supervised construction of Political Agent office just after its completion on 15.2.1914.
Jennie Pike – wife of John Gregory Pike, belongs to General Baptist Missionary Society of England died on 19-9-1888
Dr. James Augustus Fox – Assistant Surgeon MNI in medical charge, right wings 37th grandeors died on 19th November 1866
John George –infant child of George Arobella Mcgill of Topographical Survey born on 27th February 1862 died on 24th May 1863
James Clerk Graham – Asst Postmaster, Sambalpur died on 21 July 1842
John Christopher Robinson –Asst Surveyor on the Raipur Road and Asst Post Master of Sambalpur died on 25 September 1840
James Babington – the youngest twin son born on the 6th and died on 8th January 1843
James Johnstone –Assistant Surgeon, doing duty with Ramgarh Corps. Died at Sambalpur on 21st September 1822
Jack Buttler – son of JuisI Math Buttler residence of Raivellore died in January 1880
John Gornall Midford – Pontoon bridge Inspector BNR died on 8th December 1917 at the age of 57
John Martin Casey – of sisal plantation died on 7th April 1940 due to Bronco Pneumonia at the age of 68
John D’ Lima – Police Haviladar died on 4th June 1952 at the age of 45 
Lieutenant J.Dougles of 7th Regiment of N.I aged 21, only son of Admiral J.T.Dougles died at Sambalpur on 11.10.1819

Lorries Kotina –of Goa was the cook of Deputy Commissioner W.M.Crawford died on 17 June 1906

Mary Louisa Harper Collins – of Church of England died on 12th September 1897
Mariamal – wife of Veda Botha died on 6th February 1873
Mary Arokyam – daughter of Jamadar Bastia of 7th Regiment M.N.I died in 19 August 1880    
Madhora Mehomushala – of 8th Regiment died on 2nd October 1863

Naikan Lesar – of 2nd regiment died in August 1878
Infant daughter 0f Dr. E. Noyes of American Baptist Missionary died on 19th September1836 at the age of 16 months only

Mrs. Philips – Wife of Dr. Philips of American Baptist Missionary died on 1st November 1836
Private Chinappan – of 14th M.I.died on 6th Feb 1900
Philomena D’ Lima - wife of H.D.Lima died in the month of June, 1938

Ralph Reginald   - Ticket Collector BNR died on 11th February 1914
Rebecca - wife of Pay Havildar Sepoy in 2nd Regiment died on 15 February 1881
Rebecca Teresa Lucas- infant daughter of J.Lucas, Major 7th N.I died on 24-2-1879 at the age of 4 years 6 months

Thomas – Drummer, 2nd Regiment died on 22nd January 1874
Thomas Ownes – Bridge oversear died in 1906

Veda Botha Kam Amal –of 2nd Regiment 5th company died on 6th February 1873
Vera Marry Comber – died 29th November 1910

Willam Nethersole  B.A , LLM ,Bar at Law of the Bengal Civil Service, eldest son of John and Mary Hennah Nethersole was the Settlement officer at Sambalpur .On 1888 october 9th he was fell from horse at Haldipali near Sohela and died on 11th , cremated at Sambalpur  

Walter Henry Packer – driver to the agent Assam tea labour Association died on 6th june 1908
William Berry – head clerk of Deputy Commissioner Office, died on 2nd April 1869

Young wife of Dr. Philips & infant child of Dr. E. Noyes are buried at a place which is now inside the Reserved Police Line, infront of Ashapali School, Sambalpur. All others are buried at Government Cemetery.

Thursday, 26 February 2015


        Sambalpur , Sumbhulpoor , Sumbulpore , Sambhal , Sambalaka ,Sumelpur - as stated in different names in different places is the oldest known diamond mines of the world . Rome and other places of Europe were being supplied with diamond of the Sumbhulpoor mine in 2nd century . Ptolemy , Pliny , Gibbon , Barahamihir , Huen sang , Chandeswara ,,Valentine Ball , Peter Lee Briton , Major Ossley , Adwin W. Streathr , Baran Von Bevst , Major Edward Roughsigde , O'Malley and many others have given account about this oldest Diamond mines of Sumbhulpoor .   Jean Baptist Touvernier in 1645 , Thomas Motte in 1766 and Lt. Markham Kittoe in 1838 visited Sumbhulpoor and have given the account in detail . Of all the account of Motte is a bigger one .
         To the north of 10 miles away fro Sambalpur there was an island of 829. 72 accers . Near it there was the confluence where water of river IB was falling into the water of river Mahanadi . The red soil coming with water of IB was the source . After rainy season when the water level becomes low ,  people deputed were putting soil near the mouth and they were dividing the river into two streamed . Red soil were being lifted and after deposing it at the island search for  diamond was taking place . King of Sambalpur was the owner of the mines . He was the master of Diamonds and the searchers were getting the  Gold dust which they were getting from this very mines . The searchers known as JHARAS were given agriculture lands free of cost by the king for their service  . Everything has an ending . Availability of the diamonds became lower . As per the list available the diamonds found from here were 1804 - 56 grain  , 1805 - 98 carats  ,1806 - 168 carats , 1807 - 308 carats , 1908 -14 ,210.6 ,  1809 - 672 and 14 carats , 3 no. of diamond of 7 carats , 1810- 2nos of 35 carats , 1811 56 , 1813 28  , 1815- 28 , 1816 13 , 1817 28 and 4 1818 84 and 14  . The famous diamonds such as Kohinoor and Taj -E -Mah were found from here only .

         Sambalpur was first captured by the Marathas and then by the Britishers . The Jharas did not co-operated and the mines became idle as it became non-profit one . Mighty Hirakud Dam is being constructed in 1956 with a resourver area of 743 sq. km swallowing  the Diamond island .

Wednesday, 6 August 2014


Maharaja Maharaj Sai of Sambalpur died in 1827 . Surendra Sai of the Zamindar (headman of a cluster of few villages ) family belongs to the branch of the Sambalpur Royal/ruling family claimed the throne . As he was denied he revolted . He along with his uncle and brother were got arrested in 1840 and were sent to Hazaribagh jail . Uncle died there . During the sepoy mutiny the mutineers broke the gate of the jail on 1857 july 31st and Surendra , his brother Udanta became free . 17 years of imprisonment could not changed him . As soon as he reached Sambalpur he was joined by several Zamindars and Gountias (headman of village) along with their men . On October 7th of 1857 1400 men under the leadership of Surendra Sai marched into Sambalpur and captured the old palace . Deputy Commissioner R.T.Liegh could not do any thing with few soldiers . He wrote to Cuttack , Raipur and Nagpur for help . As soldiers from many sides rushed Surendra fled away on 31st night of October. Surendra built several hill forts with stone and mud at the top of the hills . He started  attack and go away tactic . When the Company soldiers tried to attack the hill forts the mutineers first rolled big round stones from the top . After few moments of cross firing they were making escape through the cave ways they built and then they were reaching at an another fort through deep forest route . Thus the mutineers established control over the 3 roads connecting Sambalpur with Ranchi , Raipur and Cuttack . More and more soldiers brought in with commanders like Ensighn Napin , E.G.Wood, Shakespear ,Henry Mack Nippon, Dayar , Windham Nokker ,Velance  and several others . Many mutineers including Chabila Sai , a brother of Surendra Died in the war . Many including Ujjwal Sai , another brother of Surendra was caught and were hanged . But it could not de-moralised the mutineers . Captain Arthur Perry Woodbridge and others died in the war . Dr. Thomas Moore was killed while he was coming to Sambalpur . Forster of famous Sekhawati Brigade was called . He tried his best with terror but Surendra could not be caught . Hastings Broughton Impey , the grandson of Sie Elijah Impey joined as Deputy Commissioner of Sambalpur in 1861. He reviewed the whole situation and by apprising the high authority got sanction for peace accord . In a phase manner he pardoned , discussed and could brought peace . When things became alright unfortunately Impey and his wife fell ill and died . The next Deputy Commissioner A.B Cumberledge  was a  different man . He had lost his sister in Jhansi  massacare . He wanted punishment not award for the mutineers . He arranged fake letters, fake witness and with  fake arguments he got arrested all the principal mutineers in a single night drive . The court awarded life imprisonment . But the High Court took note of falsehood and released all .But Surendra and other 6 were detained under section 3 of 1818 detention act and were sent to Asirgarh fort jail . Surendra died there on 28th February of 1884 . He remained in jail for a total period of 37 years , died in jail with blind condition . The saga of Sambalpur Mutiny is a story of supreme heroism and sacrifice . So many have given their life for the mother land . Few families along with Father , Son , Grandson have ruined their life by giving away their luxurious life . They roamed around the forest , stayed in the hills . They did this because they had taken Surendra as the symbol of their hope for driving out the outsiders from their homeland .

 GOVERNMENT CEMETERY AT SAMBALPUR HAVE MANY BELONGS TO EUROPEANS ..such as of ;Cadenhead ,Woodbridge , Roughsedge ,Nethersole ,Impey ,Bates etc.

EDWARD ROUGHSEDGE - son of Rev. R.H.Roughsedge was the Major of the 26th regiment N.I. , Political Agent to thr Governor General , South West Frontier deputed at Sumbhulpoor . Sumbhulpoor was taken over by the East India Company . Roughsedge was given charge to look after the affair and to give directions to the king of Sumbhulpoor and other 17 states which were under it . He was ill for 3 months , despite that he went to Sonepur state and died there at the bank of river Mahanadi on 13th January 1822 was cremated at Sumbhulpoor . Of the 4 cemetery given here no. 2 is of Roughsedge .

JOHN CADENHEAD - Assistant Surgeon Madras Army , Principal Assistant Agent, South Western Frontier  Born 9th May1811 died on 17 Nov. 1851 was the first ever Principal Assistant at Sumbhulpoor . Sumbhulpoor was annexed to the British empire in 1849 by virtue of doctrine of lapse . SBP was 2nd to be annexed through this law with Jaitpur after Satara . His cemetery is at no.1 here. 

ARTHUR PERRY WOODBRIDGE -son of E.C.Woodbridge of Briton  Captain A.P.Woodbridge was with the 40th Madras Infantry .Sumbhulpoor witnessed a great revolution and a longer fight against the East India Company in the leadership of Surendra Sai ,a member of the royal family . While in war at Pahadsirgida Woodbridge was killed on 12th February 1858 . His body was rescued on 14th and was cremated at Sumbhulpoor. Here his cemetery is shown at no 4

MAJOR JOHN BATES -Major in 40th Madras Regiment was the Commander at Sumbhulpoor was died on 15th February 1858 due to illness after 3 days of death of Woodbridge . 

WILLIAM NETHERSOLE  B.A , LLM ,Bar at Law of the Bengal Civil Service, eldest son of John and Mary Hennah Nethersole was the Sattlement officer at Sumbhulpoor .On 1888 october 9th he was fell from horse at Haldipali near Sohela and died on 11th . His cemetery is at no. 3

There are so many cemetery --- such as George Charles Bouton , Surgen left wing ,Ernest Stucley , James Augustus Fox Asst Surgeon , Hastings Brouhton Impey and his wife Georgina Alfred Alexander Graham , John Christopher Robinson ,Charles Lucas Babington ,Jack Buttler, William Berry , John Martin Casey ,Eli Elderson ....and many many more

Thursday, 29 May 2014

One of the bastion  or  watch tower of the old fort at Sambalpur was repaired in 1888 and named as Victoria Tower . The tower and plate

Wednesday, 28 May 2014


Monday, 26 May 2014

Major Hastings Broughton Impey was born in 1819 . He was the third son and fifth child of Edward Impey  ,the Judge at Murshdabad  His  grandfather was Sir Elijah Impey , the first ever Judge of Calcutta Supreme Court .  Hastings entered into the Bengal Service in 1839 at Fort William . He became a part of 70th infantry at Benaras .He became Leutenant in 1840  and captain on 12th December 1853. He got married to Georgina Cordelia Corfield on 18th February of 1842 at Lucknow . He was with the Gwalior soldiers at the time of sepoy mutiny of 1857. He became  Major in 1861 and then entered into civil service .In April 1861 he was made the Deputy Commissioner of Sambalpur now in Odisha province of India . At that time the area was in deep  troubles . Surendra Sai , the relation to the princely family of Sambalpur Raj was the claimant to the throne . As he was denied and Sambalpur was annexed to the British-India empire Surendra started revolution . Though he was captured and was jailed at Hazaribagh since 17 years , the soldiers who joined the revolution broke the door of the jail and made all free . Surendra along with his brother Udant Sai came back to Sambalpur and with the support of many village head man he renewed the fight . The hill fort with escape routes and deep forest around vast areas of the region made him success . While all over India the mutiny came to end , here at Sambalpur it continued . Many British soldiers died , huge amount of money was used but Surendra was moving free creating havoc . H.B.Impey studied the situation and argued with higher authority to make a peace deal with Surendra and his men . In a calculated manner he continued with the plan and became success . Impey and Surendra shake hands on 15th May 1862 . Peace prevailed at Sambalpur after so many years .A great relief indeed . It could be done because of Major H.B.Impey . But unfortunately he and his wife both fell ill . On 11th December 1863 his wife Georgina an on 14th December 1863 H.B.Impey died at the age  of 44 . Both of them are lying near each other at the Government Cemetery, Sambalpur . H.B.Impey had a son Hastings Edward Machenji  Impey ,who was born on 7th March of 1845. He had a daughter too by name Julia who was married to Gothern Cooksen . After demise of Impey the next Deputy Commissioner of Sambalpur Alexjander Bulstrode Cumberledge was a man of different thought . He made a conspiracy and got arrested Surendra Sai and  all his men while they were asleep at their respective houses .

Impey and his wife at the Government Cemetry , Sambalpur